making owls cool since 1986

We moved to Arizona to see burrow owls. Where the hell are all the burrow owls?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Eat your heart out, Edgar Lee Masters...

As Damien noted in he and Sarah's blog, he and I went and took some night photos in a local cemetery. They came out looking pretty neat.
We felt a little nervous because, by law, you're not really supposed to be in a cemetery after dark. There were some headstones in tough shape and we wouldn't want to get blamed for that. Also, I was using a pretty big spotlight, so being clandestine was out of the question.

Apparently, getting her paw stuck under the stove was the last straw...

Is that a ghost??!!?! Nope - way hotter. It's me popping up in my own long exposure.


Damien and Sarah found this neat old house. Future blog?

I'll try to post more of our photography adventures on here whenever I can.

So long.
- Eric

P.S. - After seeing Ishmael's turd in that last post, how could we call him anything but HOT CARL!?!?!

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Blogger Damien said...

sweet photos! especially the one with that really good-looking guy.

1:22 PM  

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