Eat your heart out, Edgar Lee Masters...

As Damien noted in he and Sarah's blog, he and I went and took some night photos in a local cemetery. They came out looking pretty neat.
We felt a little nervous because, by law, you're not really supposed to be in a cemetery after dark. There were some headstones in tough shape and we wouldn't want to get blamed for that. Also, I was using a pretty big spotlight, so being clandestine was out of the question.

I'll try to post more of our photography adventures on here whenever I can.
So long.
- Eric
P.S. - After seeing Ishmael's turd in that last post, how could we call him anything but HOT CARL!?!?!
Labels: damien, edgar lee masters, night photography, nun cemetery
sweet photos! especially the one with that really good-looking guy.
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